Your Uninstaller! PRO 7.3.2010.33 plus Aktifasi
Your Uninstaller! adalah salah satu perangkat pihak ketiga yang dapat membantu menguninstall/menghapus program di komputer, cara kerjanya sama seperti "Add/Remove Program" yang sudah ada pada bawaan windows(default).
Namun jika kita menghapus or menguninstall program dengan defaultnya terkadang kurang bersih, mksdnya msh adanya file2 atau bekas di registri, dan itu akan menjadi sampah.
semakin menumpuknya sampah pada registtri menyebabkan komputer menjadi lambat dan terkadang crash.
Dengan Your Uninstaller! menghapus program jadi lebih mudah dan bersih sampai keakar-akarnya.
Namun jika kita menghapus or menguninstall program dengan defaultnya terkadang kurang bersih, mksdnya msh adanya file2 atau bekas di registri, dan itu akan menjadi sampah.
semakin menumpuknya sampah pada registtri menyebabkan komputer menjadi lambat dan terkadang crash.
Dengan Your Uninstaller! menghapus program jadi lebih mudah dan bersih sampai keakar-akarnya.
Features :
- Fix invalid uninstallations in one click.
If you often install/uninstall software, you will most probably face these corrupted programs, let Your Uninstaller! fix them.
- Full system scan after a program being uninstalled for complete removal.
Your Uninstaller! scans whole system for related traces and completely remove them after normal uninstallation, you will not notice the program has ever installed. - Force removal of a program.
For some hard to remove programs, this is a good choice, extremely useful for old-fashion programs. - Keep system stable and clean with various system tools.
Your Uninstaller! has built-in system tools like Uninstaller, Startup Manager, Internet Traces Eraser, StartMenu Manager, Disk Cleaner to keep Windows clean and in order. - Easy to Use. No expert knowledge required.
Usability is always in our mind when developing products, Your Uninstaller! is simple and straightforward to complete all tasks. No hassle, no confusion. - Windows 7 Compatible.
Your Uninstaller! is Windows 7 Compatible both for 32bit and 64bit versions. Of course, it also works for Windows XP perfectly. - Safe and Trusted.
Your Uninstaller! is 100% virus and spyware free. No crashes, seizures, slow downs and error messages with the safest and most trusted solution from a leading software vendor.
12/29/2010 03:01:00 AM | Artikel Utility Tools |