jv16 PowerTools 2011 + LICENSE
jv16 PowerTools membuat Windows Anda berjalan lebih cepat dan lancar, dengan menonaktifkan beberapa fitur tertentu yang tidak memiliki fungsi yang berguna dan dengan memodifikasi beberapa aspek kunci sebuah perilaku sistem, otomatis membersihkan registri Windows Anda dari data usang dan tidak dibutuhkan, otomatis memperbaiki berbagai jenis kesalahan registri, seperti referensi file rusak, Mudah menemukan jejak sisa uninstall software, bahkan yang sudah lama sekalipun, Mendeteksi dan menghapus data History yang tidak dibutuhkan dan daftar yang terakhir digunakan(most recently used) yang dapat berisi informasi sensitif mengenai Anda, dapat mencari dan menghapus file yang tidak dibutuhkan, termasuk file temp dan file duplikat, dan masih banyak lagi fitur-fitur lainnya!!!
jv16 PowerTools memiliki perangkat yakni:
* Software Uninstaller
* Startup Manager
* Registry Manager
* Registry Cleaner
* Registry Finder
* Registry Find and Replace
* Registry Monitor
* Registry Compactor
* Registry Information
* File Finder
* File Cleaner
* File Organizer
* File Recovery
* Duplicate File Finder
* File Tool
* Directory Finder
* Directory Tool
* Disk Wiper
* Service Manager (New!!)
* System Cleaner
* System Optimizer (New!!)
* Start Menu Tool
* History Cleaner
* Automation Tool
What's New in jv16 PowerTools 2011 Beta:
* Software Uninstaller
* Startup Manager
* Registry Manager
* Registry Cleaner
* Registry Finder
* Registry Find and Replace
* Registry Monitor
* Registry Compactor
* Registry Information
* File Finder
* File Cleaner
* File Organizer
* File Recovery
* Duplicate File Finder
* File Tool
* Directory Finder
* Directory Tool
* Disk Wiper
* Service Manager (New!!)
* System Cleaner
* System Optimizer (New!!)
* Start Menu Tool
* History Cleaner
* Automation Tool
What's New in jv16 PowerTools 2011 Beta:
- 1. Tag System - allows you to tag individual lines.
- 2. The Software Uninstaller has been fully rewritten. Both its ability to find software from the computer, and its ability to uninstall software have been greatly improved.
- 3. User Action History feature - allows you to see exactly what you have removed with the program in the past.
- 4. The Registry Cleaner now shows detailed information specific pieces of registry data was listed as error.
- 5. The Startup Manager is now fully compatible with msconfig. This means that you can use jv16 PowerTools to enable items disabled with msconfig, and vice versa.
- 6. Remove on reboot - feature in the File Tool allows you to delete protected or locked files during the next system startup (assuming the protection is not yet active).
- 7. Settings window now uses scroll bars in order to display all the settings with smaller window sizes.
- 8. Accuracy and safety improvements to the Registry Cleaner engine.
2/05/2011 03:05:00 AM | Artikel Utility Tools |